The latest kid on the ‘optimization for traffic’ block is SMO aka social media optimization aka Social SEO. Whatever the name, the ends and means are the same – generate traffic to and from a particular social media account. The exciting thing is that the search engines have enthusiastically embraced this phenomenon, and the race is on.
Way it works is that this intrepid SMO expert sets up a traffic chain that includes the site, the social media platform and search engines. Search sends keyword specific visitors to social media postings and from there to the website. This also has the impact of popularizing the social media account, which in turn means more traffic to the site.
No doubt the search traffic is indirect, but combining search and social media traffic into a single stream has a massive and immediate impact. There is no way for a traditional SEO campaign to match the growth power or daily traffic possibilities of an SMO campaign. Of course, it’s a lot easier to talk about it than to actually do it. But that’s true about all good things in life.
Practically speaking, social media optimization has two separate components. One is onsite, where every page has to include buttons (tweet, like, share this, etc.) to allow visitors to share the page on their favorite social network. As more and more visitors like an article and share it, the traffic and chances of it going viral keep increasing.
The second part is the promotional and optimization work that needs to be done on the social platforms. Previously, this step was pretty simple. All that had to done was to ensure that new content was immediately publicized on the networks via tweets and facebook postings, etc. This would bring in direct traffic from followers and friends who liked it or shared it. But there’s a new angle to it now, thanks to instant search.
Assume that yourwebsite.com adds some new content about green cars. This company posts a tweet that includes the words ‘green cars.’ What happens is that the tweet starts showing up instantly on the search engines for queries about ‘green cars.’ So this single tweet not only brings visitors from social media to the site, it also reels in search traffic to the company’s social network accounts.
Once triggered, it will keep pushing more and more traffic to both the site and social media accounts. All that the SMO guy has to do is make sure the right keywords are used when links are posted to social media. These keywords trigger instant search traffic, and this traffic is the fuel that keeps the traffic exchange mechanism between the site and social networks in a growth trajectory.
The key difference between SEO and SMO is that SEO is all take, in the sense that it is about acquiring one-way links and traffic. Social media optimization, on the other hand, is about give and take. A site visitor connects with the website’s twitter and facebook accounts, and introduces the site to friends and followers on the networks. In return, social media sends a ton of traffic to the site through various channels.
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