Content is King – how many times have you heard this phrase when discussing affordable SEO packages with an online marketing firm? Innumerable times, we presume! However, not many of us actually understand or value the implications of the phrase – which inherently states that for an SEO campaign to build up to reach its peak, the content (on the website, blogs, generic articles submitted etc) should be of top-notch.
And by top-notch, we do not only mean that it should be tailor-made for the search engines. The best content, i.e. content fit to be the king on the web, needs to be engaging to the online users as well, apart from being keyword-rich and easily scan-worthy for the search engines.
Here are 3 more reasons why without well-written content, affordable SEO packages or the promises on results hold no value!
1. Content Improves Targeted Traffic Inflow : Ever thought why your articles never brought in targeted visitors? Ever wondered why your PPC ads never got nay clicks? Well, it’s the content, mate! The more interesting and engaging your content is – the more organic yet niche visitors will crowd your website. And the more the number of targeted visitors, the higher are the chances of conversions.
2. Content Converts Sales : The first reason brings us to the second – content, when well-written and in a crisp, concise manner, can improve your conversion rates and consequently – sales!
• For instance, web content that has blocks of text that has been written in a haphazard way can only create confusion among the visitors and destroy the purpose they are here for. The targeted traffic inflow on the other hand, is well capitalized upon by organized content – complete with short punchlines and a definitive Call-to-Action.
• Also, bear in mind the design of the site and write in accordance, instead of trying to fit the design onto the content blocks. Keep this pre-condition check-listed before you start looking for affordable SEO packages online.
3. Content Can Build Your Brand : How many times have you been put off by content on websites that have had grammar errors or badly constructed phrases? That is why we say great content can actually build your brand. So if you are pursuing an SEO campaign through affordable SEO packages from reputable firms in the industry, check for veteran copywriters on their team. Profile link building tasks or article submissions can be a waste of time if they are not well written. Yes – they will bring you inbound links – but will not gain much attention from the niche consumer base, which is a large constituent of potential conversions.
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